About Website Warmer

Detect downtime

Downtime can result in lost revenue and damage to a company's reputation, so the ability to detect and resolve issues quickly is a critical factor.

Alert notifications

Configurable alert notifications will email you when an error occurs or performance falls outside the bounds you configure. Summary statistics on your dashboard make it simple to monitor your site performance and set up alerts appropriately.

Detect and diagnose performance issues

Website Warmer provides detailed performance metrics and analytics, which can help to identify and troubleshoot issues that may be affecting your website's performance. This can help to improve website performance and user experience, which can ultimately lead to increased conversions and revenue.

SEO benefits

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits from consistent and reduced response times. You cannot know when a search-engine is going to scan your site, so you want it to be primed and ready when they do.

Avoid cold-start penalties

Website Warmer will help to keep your site as fast as possible by priming caches and avoiding cold-start penalties. Once deployed it provides 24/7 monitoring from any of 30 locations around the world.
If your site is running on a 'shared server', you will be sure that traffic to other sites on that server are less likely to reduce your site's performance because regular requests will ensure the webserver, database and router caches are primed with your site's data.

Peace of mind

You'll have peace-of-mind knowing that your site won't suffer cold-start penalties. Additionally you will be able to monitor the availability and response times of your site's content 24/7 with the subscriber dashboard.

21-Day Free Trial

Subscribe to Website Warmer and receive full functionality for 21 days at no cost.
Cancel anytime.

How it works

Website Warmer works by making regular requests to the content defined in your sitemap.xml or category sitemaps. Response time, response status and content length of the response are recorded and reported in the subscriber dashboard.
With 30 locations to choose from, you can set the source of requests close to your customers (or a search-engine) thereby priming router caches along the path between your site's server and the consumers that matter most.

Who's it built for

Any individual or business that relies on their website to generate revenue, engage with customers, or provide essential services will be motivated to use uptime monitoring services to ensure the continuity of their business operations.
E-commerce websites: These businesses rely on their website to sell products and services and any downtime can result in lost revenue.
Online service providers: Websites that provide online services such as SaaS, online booking, and subscription-based services are also highly motivated to use uptime monitoring services to ensure the continuity of their service.
Financial services: Banks, insurance companies, and other financial services organizations use their website for transactions, account management, and customer engagement. Downtime can result in lost revenue and damage to their reputation.
Media and entertainment: Websites that provide streaming services, news, and entertainment are also motivated to use uptime monitoring to ensure that their content is always available to their users.
Healthcare and government: Websites that provide essential services such as healthcare and government services, need to ensure that their website is always available to their users.

21-Day Free Trial

Subscribe to Website Warmer and receive full functionality for 21 days at no cost.
Cancel anytime.